Sunday, February 16, 2020

Was Plutarco really a person as history describes or a person Almada Essay

Was Plutarco really a person as history describes or a person Almada depicted in her documentary, El General Did Almada personalize to examine her controversial ancestor, Plutarco Calles - Essay Example The contrast lies in the sense that while history portrays him as the Puppet President, the one who has Catholic blood on his hands, the one who deceived many to make his way through, on the other hand, Almada portrays him to be reasonable, logical and nonetheless ‘humane’ in contrast to popular opinion. One will have to explore facts and indulge in an in-depth study in this context to be fair in an analysis, and to explore as to which side of the story holds more truthful value. The paper aims at exploring the mainstream history books popular not just in Mexico but rather in the world. The study will focus on how Plutarco is portrayed and perceived in the world, also how the opinion has been altered. Furthermore, the opinions will be contrasted with data from the documentary produced by Almada who is Calles` great grand-daughter. This data will reflect how a daughter perceived her father, i.e. the firsthand account of someone who was directly associated with the much co ntroversial figure. Thus, based on the analysis, contrasts would be made to predicate how history is de-shaped and de-framed by the historians. Calles is essentially portrayed as someone who was deeply indulged in a power struggle throughout his life, which poses certain paradoxes. He is perceived as a rather controversial yet revolutionary figure, a President who failed to deliver his promises, deported priests on a massive scale, destroyed covenants, closed Catholic schools while he was facing a huge scaled rebellion. However, he sent his daughter to the United States, and that too to study at a Catholic school. This poses a question-mark over the issue i.e. if he hated Catholics such deeply, why would he want his daughter to be indulged in an education purely based on those values he abhorred. Historically, Calles was many things, portrayed by mainstream history, i.e. a school teacher, a Guaymas native, someone who went as far as to become

Monday, February 3, 2020

Leadership Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Leadership - Research Paper Example art U.S., â€Å"should work with OUR Wal-Mart to improve jobs at our company so that we have an opportunity to join the middle class, strengthen our company’s bottom line and improve our nation’s economy† (Ausick, 2014, para 2). This paper discusses Wal-Mart’s problem in ethical leadership, and proposes and defends solution to this dilemma. The proposed solutions are ethically grounded and based on principles of social justice and quality of life. OUR Wal-Mart publicly specified three issues that the former Wal-Mart leader, Bill Simon, failed to address: weakening brand image, dropping sales, and low wages. The organization refers to a research by Demos-- a public policy research institute-- that reported a higher wage rate for full-time workers of retail corporations that hire thousands of employees could significantly improve the quality of life of hundreds of thousands of women and their families (Tepel, 2014). The worsening performance of Wal-Mart U.S. has also been observed by some professional groups, and they claimed that Simon’s use of smaller stores was not the appropriate solution. The organization also mentions a survey of consumers that reveals â€Å"Wal-Mart’s pay and treatment of workers are influencing shopping habits† (Reuters, 2014, para 2). The poll revealed that a quarter of the overall number of the company’s most loyal customers is disappointed by how Wal-Mart handles its emplo yees, and that they, consequently, avoid shopping at the stores (Reuters, 2014, para 2-3). Although Wal-Mart’s terrible business practices have been known for several years, workers were not inclined to protest against it; but OUR Wal-Mart changes it. Since these courageous employees are not unionized, they were risking their jobs by protesting. In 2012, Wal-Mart publicly announced $444 billion in profits. Robson Walton, the successor of Wal-Mart, received roughly $420 million in 2011, while the company’s employees receive a meager annual salary of $15,500